It’s (Supposedly) Over! Chicken Are Older than Eggs!
According to a recent research, the chicken came before the egg. This statement is supported by the results of the research.
In order to have an eggshell, there is an absolute need of the protein named ovocleidin-17. It is an element found in the animal’s ovaries and without it there is no possible way to create an egg. The production of this protein is crucial to the creation of chick and their preservation before hatching. Thus, it is highly improbable to have an egg without a hen. Generally speaking, we still don’t know how a chicken could come out of somewhere else but an egg, so the eternal question still remains alive…
At least we now have some kind of an argument for one of the two points of view.
However, eggs have existed long before the hen and rooster. Reptiles such as dinosaurs even could be distant relatives, ancient forefathers of the current chicken, but we can’t be certain. For all the good reasons, the dilemma will live on, at least one more year.
However, eggs have existed long before the hen and rooster. Reptiles such as dinosaurs even could be distant relatives, ancient forefathers of the current chicken, but we can’t be certain. For all the good reasons, the dilemma will live on, at least one more year.